Transparency, Taxes & Compliance
Accreditation每个学院分别由南方学院协会和学院委员会认证,授予艺术副学士学位, 理学副学士及应用科学副学士学位, and various Certificates. |
Emergency Information如果发生紧急情况(或恶劣天气警报),影响任何澳门新葡京博彩地区办事处或学院, students, faculty, and staff will be notified via text, phone call, email through the Blackboard Connect system, or updated on the website homepage. |
Title IX澳门新葡京博彩区不容忍性别歧视, sexual harassment, or sexual violence of any kind, and is complete compliance with Title IX, 禁止在教育机构中对雇员和学生进行性别歧视的联邦法律. |
FERPAFERPA代表1974年修订的“家庭教育权利和隐私法”. It is commonly known as FERPA, 隐私法案旨在保护教育记录的隐私. |
Policies and Procedures政府制定政策和程序,为卓越教育树立高标准. |
Privacy Information查找有关澳门新葡京博彩隐私做法的信息. |
General Complaints澳门新葡京博彩区重视学生的反馈,并致力于为学生提供表达对某人的关注或不满的途径, service, or process that requires clarification, investigation, and resolution. Students can make a complaint, including anonymous complaints, 在任何时候提交在线学生投诉表格. 一般投诉表格的目的是解决包括《澳门新葡新京官方》在内的其他地区政策未涵盖的问题, Title IX, Academic Integrity, Behavioral Intervention (SOBI), Petitions, Appeals, and Grievances. 收到投诉后,我们会将投诉转至有关部门处理. |
增税公听会公告(2024) |
为了金融透明度和受托责任, 澳门新葡京博彩区向公众提供了2024年的以下信息. |
Property Tax Rates (2024) |
为了金融透明度和受托责任, 澳门新葡京博彩区正在向公众提供2024年阿拉莫社区学院区的房产税率信息. |
In compliance with Senate Bill 2, 在第85届德克萨斯州立法会议上通过, 澳门新葡京博彩区(ACD)提供以下预算信息:
ACD Current Year Budget 由亚洲发展对话理事会于2022年8月16日批准:
- FY23: $1,069,857,169
ACD Budget for the last two fiscal years:
- FY21: $997,156,540
- FY22: $857,591,557
从上一年度到本年度预算金额的变化, by dollar amount and percentage (Prior Year (FY22) $857,591,557):
- $ Change: $212,265,612
- % Change: 75%
- the preceding two years:
- FY21: $178,255,051
- FY22: $195,031,684
- the current year:
- FY23: $230,923,307
- the preceding two years:
- FY21: $68,601,179
- FY22: $75,044,988
- the current year:
- FY23: $88,646,243
Quicklinks | ||
Open Records/Public Information Act |